Healthy Screen Time
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We live in a world
full of screens
and so spending time
in front of screens is inevitable.
computer vision syndrome
continuous partial attention
dopamine centre activation
poor posture
reduced social interaction
attention disorders
melatonin supression
lack of sleep
social anxiety
dry eyes
weight gain
emotional development
These screens have certain effects on our health, but getting rid of them is not an option.
To tackle this, I searched far and wide for simple things to do to stay healthy in front of screens, and here's what I found:
1. Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

and blink regularly.
Failure to do so can irritate and dry out your eyes. This Computer Vision Syndrome also causes blurred vision, headaches and fatigue.
2. Take care of your posture.
Looking down at your devices can make the spine and neck uncomfortable. So-straighten up!
3. Get up and move around.
Sitting in front of screens for prolonged periods, leads to inactivity- which raises other health concerns such as obesity.
Be sure to avoid all the other screens on your way out!
After doing these simple things, you might want to consider incorporating these habits into your routine.
4. Spend more time outdoors.
Boost your mood by spending some quality time out in the real world.
5. Self-impose a non-screen time.
Challenge yourself consciously avoiding screens for few hours each day.
6. Ditch the screens an hour before bed for a sound sleep.

Artificial light from screens throws of the body clock.
Blue light from the devices supresses the production of sleep promoting hormone melatonin.
Getting rid of screens is not an option, seeing as that is where the future is headed...
but taking care of your health is always something you should go for.
The creator of this page spent approximately 8 hours a day in front of screens for over 2 months to make this project a reality.(with fruitful attempts made to follow the listed habits)This project was made under the guidance of Subir Dey, as a part of Design Project-II Sequential Narratives at the National Institute of Design, India.Special thanks to my parents,Dr. Anwar Ali, my Graphic Design Class, and the creators of the coding tutorialsI took.Links &SourcesShare:
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